Goodwin Sands Success

Back in 2019, we acted in an unsuccessful judicial review challenging the decision of the Marine Management Organisation to grant a licence that permitted Dover Harbour Board to dredge sand from the Goodwin Sands, notwithstanding the sensitivity of the site both in terms of heritage and as a Marine Conservation Zone.

Despite that defeat, our client (Goodwin Sands SOS – a local campaign group) kept up the pressure on the port authority and in October 2022, it was announced that a review had concluded that the sand can be sourced from elsewhere and that it had been decided to move the focus away from the Goodwin Sands and that the port authority intends to go through a full procurement process in order to select a suitable alternative.  The press release announcing the decision refers to community concerns over the use of Goodwin Sands and includes a tribute to our client from the local MP.

Whilst the judicial review was unsuccessful, this was only one part of the local campaign against the dredging and it is very good news that ultimately, the widespread concerns about the potential damage to the Goodwin Sands Marine Conservation Zone have been recognised.

A press release from the Port of Dover can be found here.

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