The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires local planning authorities (LPAs) to have an up-to-date local plan to provide a 20+ year framework for addressing housing needs and other economic, social and environmental priorities. We assist clients through the lengthy plan-making process to influence a positive vision for the future of their local communities.

We act for local residents or residents’ groups, Parish Councils and Town Councils in this highly specialised area of work to resist inappropriate allocations of land for housing and other industrial or commercial development in sensitive locations, such as Green Belt land, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) or other valued landscapes. Our clients are often seeking changes to a proposed plan where there are inadequate road networks or other infrastructure constraints to significant housing or commercial growth.

Our instructions often commence with work to draft submissions at the initial Regulation 18 consultation stage, known as Issues and Options, and will often run through preparing detailed submissions at Regulation 19 on the submission draft plan. We frequently represent our clients during the public hearing known as the Examination in Public (EIP), which is conducted in a formal setting over many months before a Planning Inspector.

We often support submissions with expert reports in areas of heritage and landscape harm, adverse traffic impacts, risk to ecology and biodiversity or unacceptable flood risk.

Challenging a local plan decision

Where a local plan is adopted over significant objections, we can advise on a potential court challenge under section 113 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. There are tight timeframes from the date of adoption by the LPA that cannot be extended by a court if late.