Objection to telecommunications installation

Prior Approval Application - Rooftop Telecoms Installation, Yara Court, Lewisham

We were instructed to object to an Application for Prior Approval submitted to Lewisham Council for the installation of telecommunications equipment on the rooftop of a prominent building visible from the rear of our client’s property. After making an objection on behalf of our client, prior approval was refused by Lewisham Council.

Our objection letter raised the following grounds: (1) approving the installation would be contrary to the Council’s Development Management Policy which set out that the design of telecommunications apparatus should be such to minimise its size or visibility; (2) the installation would have a harmful visual impact on the surrounding conservation areas and on the setting of listed heritage assets in the area, due to its size, height, arrangement and industrial appearance; (3) other more suitable sites for the installation were available; (4) there had been a lack of proper community consultation in that the applicant had not consulted a local nursery and school situated close to the site.

The Council accepted the objections raised and Prior Approval was subsequently refused on the basis that “The proposed telecommunications equipment by reason of its siting and appearance, would appear as an unduly visible and incongruous addition to the building that would fail to respond to the architectural design of the building or the appearance of the surrounding area, and would fail to preserve the character or appearance of the Ladywell and St Mary’s Conservation Areas”. The Council also agreed that the proposed installation would be contrary to its Development Management Local Plan.

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